Singapore Kindness Movement Awards Ceremony 2018
Venue: Our Tampines Hub - Festive Plaza
Emcee Singapore Ainsley Chong - Reporting Live: Hey guys, it's your favourite emcee back at it again and I got to be a part of something truly wonderful: the Singapore Kindness Movement Awards, or better known as the Singapore Kindness Movement Friend of Singa, Write for Kindness, Seek Kindness Fund Junior & Kindness Badge Awards!
It was a fun event, and one that appeals to the most charitable of self in all of us. As part of the commemoration of the Singapore Kindness Movement, teachers and students from all over Singapore came together for this special day, which started off with a poignant and heartwarming address by the Speaker of Parliament, Tan Chuan-Jin, who spoke more about the mission of the Singapore Kindness Movement and how it can help more Singaporeans down the road. There were also various awards and tokens of appreciation given out to representatives from all the various schools who took up the Singapore Kindness Movement to help inspire their fellow students and teachers to be kinder and more compassionate towards their fellow men (and women), and even some fun mural games for kids and a nice little photo booth to share their moment on social media!
Thank you so much to the people behind the scenes at the Singapore Kindness movement for bringing me onboard to be the emcee with the most for the event. It was a really heartwarming and poignant experience for me, and it was inspiring to meet many of the representatives who continue to help make Singapore a better (and much kinder) place!
Be kind to one another,
Emcee Ainsley

About Emcee Singapore - Top Emcee Singapore Ainsley Chong has over 7 years of emceeing experience in Singapore, entertaining audiences of different nationalities. His versatility have won the hearts of many event audiences around. From large scale national events to intimate corporate dinners, Emcee Singapore Ainsley Chong definitely injects life into every event he takes on. Contact Emcee Singapore Ainsley Chong by clicking here.