AIA Vitality Weekly Challenge *Fun Edition* 5th Episode
Emcee Singapore Ainsley Chong - Reporting Live: Had a ball of a time presenting the AIA Vitality Weekly Challenge at Cold Storage, Centrepoint! Thanks AIA Singapore for having me! Would like to invite y'all to check out the video link here. Did you know that you can now earn up to 25% cashback on your HealthyFood™ items at Cold Store with AIA Vitality, so get healthy today!

With the awesome crew for the 5th Episode!
From left: Dew from After Hours, Eugene, Sofie, Local Musician Joie and Emcee Ainsley
Watch the video above!
About Emcee Singapore - Top Emcee Singapore Ainsley Chong has over 7 years of emceeing experience in Singapore, entertaining audiences of different nationalities. His versatility have won the hearts of many event audiences around. From large scale national events to intimate corporate dinners, Emcee Singapore Ainsley Chong definitely injects life into every event he takes on. Contact Emcee Singapore Ainsley Chong by clicking here.