PAP Community Foundation (PCF) Teachers' Day Dinner
Venue: Grand Hyatt, Grand Residence Level 3
Emcee Singapore Ainsley Chong - Reporting Live: This time I got to host together with the Legendary, Richard Style. Haven't had the chance to emcee together with him since the Cerebal Palsy Alliance Singapore (CPAS) event. Our Guest-of-Honour that evening was Mr Zaqy Mohamad, MP for Chua Chu Kang GRC & Chairman for PCF Keat Hong Branch.
Hope you enjoy the pictures below, Emcee Ainsley

Fellow co-emcee, Richard Style. Thanks for all the tips that evening!

With the Event Company (That's Innovative) that made it all possible, thank you all for your hard work!
About Emcee Singapore - Top Emcee Singapore Ainsley Chong has over 7 years of emceeing experience in Singapore, entertaining audiences of different nationalities. His versatility have won the hearts of many event audiences around. From large scale national events to intimate corporate dinners, Emcee Singapore Ainsley Chong definitely injects life into every event he takes on. Contact Emcee Singapore Ainsley Chong by clicking here.